This publication describes the aspects of the school organisation that change or require change when learning be- comes more personalised; in other words, when education caters more to the students’ individual educational needs and students have more control over their own learning process.
Organising personalised learning: Practice-based scenarios follows up on the publication ‘Dimensies van gepersonaliseerd leren: De eerste bouwsteen voor het organiseren van gepersonaliseerd leren’ (Van Loon, Van der Neut, De Ries, & Kral, 2016). It discusses the concept of ‘personalisation of learning’ and the choices that underpin this approach. These choices are made in two dimensions.
The first dimension relates to how much freedom students are given to self-regulate their own learning processes, varying from no self-regulation to full self-regulation. The second dimension relates to the extent to which the student’s individual interests take priority. This varies from catering exclusively to the collective interests and goals to catering exclusively to the student’s individual learning goals and needs. The position on each of the dimensions affects how personalisation of learning is shaped in schools. Different positions lead to different variations in the personalisation of learning.