Smartfox installation: - Download the smartfox 2x server from - Install the smartfox server (installing as service not recomended for development) - Launch the smartfox admin panel, default location at localhost:8080/admin/ - Login with the default credentials host:, port: 9933, username: sfsadmin, password: sfsadmin - In the admin panel navigate to 'Server Configuration' -> 'Web server' and make sure that all the sliders are turned on (don't forget to submit the changes and restart the server) - Navigate to the smartfox install folder and copy the content of the extensions folder from iXpeditie Desktop/Smartfoxfiles to /extensions (be aware, this has to be done every time the extension is edited) Mac default location: applications/SmartFoxServer_2X/SFS2X/ Windows default: C/users/YOURUSERNAME/SmartFoxServer_2X/SFS2X/ - In the smartfox install folder copy the iXpeditie Desktop/SmartfoxFiles/ to the /zones - You are now good to go, open the index.html file to launch te desktop app Router IP adress: - The ip adress of the router is set as: It needs to be this adress otherwise the Android devices will not be able to connect.